My VR project, "Journey of the Forgotten," is an immersive game that tells the story of a scavenger in a world where creatures symbolize human "remnants." The protagonist embarks on a quest to find their escaped "cat," representing a journey of exploration, growth, and self-discovery. As players navigate through various challenges and help others, they uncover what has been left behind and reflect on their journey. The story underscores the theme of realizing what is left behind, embracing the process of exploration and growth, and eventually looking back to start anew with all that has been gained. This journey is a metaphor for personal development, resilience, and the continuous cycle of learning and evolving. With the unique VR medium, this project aims to explore and challenge traditional representations of the body and movement in interactive environments. Utilizing the physical "virtual body," players can interact with virtual objects in ways that are impossible in the real world.