The title aVoid is a play on words, inviting dual interpretations: "avoid" and "a void." This installation explores the enigmatic concept of fragrance - a deeply personal and evocative phenomenon that intertwines with our memories, emotions, and sense of individuality. Just as each individual possesses a unique olfactory fingerprint, so too does their relationship with scent resonate with singular significance. As you immerse yourself in the swirling mists and shifting hues of the installation, allow yourself to surrender to the moment, to embrace the fleeting yet profound connection between scent and self.
Scent has the remarkable ability to transport us to a specific moment in time, to evoke memories that lie dormant in our minds. This perfume serves as a potent reminder of the collective achievements of the DESMA community as well as a reminder of the events that unfolded on campus over this past month. It is a poignant reminder of the challenges we faced, the tensions and conflicts that tested our resilience and unity. I hope that this scent will remind you of our collective dedication to advocating for justice and human rights, as well as the achievements of the graduating year 2024.