Bill Brown is a graphic designer, art director, illustrator, and design educator. He retired from UCLA in 1999.
In addition to being Creative Director of Bill Brown Graphic Design, Mr. Brown has been the graphics and signage consultant to Hardy/Holzmana/Pfeiffer Associates for the Los Angeles Public Library and to Adele Naude Santos and LDA Architects for the Yerba Buena Gardens Children’s Center in San Francisco. He also served as executive creative consultant at Fattal & Collins.
Bill Brown’s work has appeared in Art Direction, Print Magazine, Print Regional Design Annual, The Los Angeles Art Directors Annual, The Hollywood Television and Radio Society, The Society of Art Center Alumni, u&lc, and Idea International Advertising Art. The AIGA Design Annual, Graphis Packaging, and Graphis Design Annual have also published his work.
B.A., M.A., UCLA, Designer, Illustrator& Creative Director. Developed visual communications for ABC, CBS, NBC, Infiniti Division of Nissan Motors, Westinghouse Broadcasting, The Los Angeles Music Center, 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures and Warner Brothers.