Adam Ferriss (b. Richmond, VA) is an artist and programmer working with custom software, video, still images, and interactive browser-based works. He writes custom programs to manipulate the ways in which pixel data is typically displayed in order to expose its underlying patterns and invisible architectures. Adam works in collusion with machines, preferring iterative and process based schemes where the artist and computer alternately vie for control.
Adam holds a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art and is currently pursuing a MFA at The University of California, Los Angeles (expected 2016). His works have been commissioned by Nike, Vice, The Imaginary Foundation, Foreign Policy Magazine, and Planet Mu Records among others. His work has been featured widely around the web on the Creators Project, Wired, Fast Company, booooooom, but does it float, and more. Ferriss’ works frequently appear in online exhibitions as well as in galleries around the United States, Europe, and South America. Adam Ferriss currently lives and works in Los Angeles.